2.2-5.5kW Tank Mounted Air Compressor

مواصفات النموذج: WZS2.2
سعة: 0.28-0.32 m3/min
ضغط العمل: 8-10 bar
قوة المحرك: 2.2 kW

This compressor is mounted on one 110L tank , power available from 2.2-5.5kw , belt driven .

Both fixed speed and variable speed type are available.

They are perfect solution for small business, workshops and operattions that don’t need compressed air very often.

مواصفات النموذج
Model Working pressure  Capacity FAD Motor Power Tank Capacity Noise Level Oulet  Weight  Dimension (mm)
No. bar psi cfm m3/min hp kw L Db Diameter Kg L W H
WZS2.2 8 116 11 0.32  3 2.2  110 54+/-3 G1/2 180 1090 450 1110
10 145 9.5 0.28 
WZS3.0 8 116 16 0.44  4 110 55+/-3 G1/2 190 1090 450 1110
10 145 14 0.39 
WZS4.0 8 116 20 0.58  5.5 110 57+/-3 G1/2 200 1090 450 1110
10 145 18 0.52 
WZS5.5 8 116 27 0.76  7.5 5.5  110 59+/-3 G1/2 215 1090 450 1110
10 145 24 0.68 

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